~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TriStar [Away Add-On] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This add-on lets you do multiple things when you are away. This is includes: - Prompt for a message saying why you are away - activates your pager (instructions below) - tells everyone the time it was when you left in AM/PM format - Uses color (Which means this add-on works only with v4.72) - Advertises FServer (instructions below) - Much more! Here are a few rules to follow when using scripts: - You are free to edit it for your personal use as long as you do not deleate and/or tamper with anything that looks like 15,15 14,14 12,1 ][11,1 TriStar12,1 ][ 14,14 15,15 , It is my personal tag that gives me credit for what I have done. - I am not held responsible for any type of damages done to yoru computer and/or the mIRC program. Well, now that I have that out of the way, here is what you need to get started: - mIRC v4.72 - a command in aliases for AM/PM time (instructions below) - couple of minutes These are optional: - A FServer (Instructions Below) - A pager (Instructions Below) Instructions for required/optional stuff: AM/PM TIME Put the following in to your Aliases: atime { set %atime $gettok($time,1,58) if (%atime >= 13) { %atime = %atime - 12 return %atime $+ : $+ $gettok($time,2,58) pm } else if (%atime == 12) { return %atime $+ : $+ $gettok($time,2,58) pm } else if (%atime == 0) { %atime = %atime + 12 return %atime $+ : $+ $gettok($time,2,58) am } else { return %atime $+ : $+ $gettok($time,2,58) am } } That's it! FSERVER Put the following in to your Remotes -> Events: (Make sure listening is checked in the upper-right corner) 1:on text:!:#:/fserve $nick 300 Fill in with your Nick, this will trigger the FServer. Fill in with the location of the fserver (i.e. C:\fserver). Fill in with a welcome file (i.e. C:\fserver\welcome.txt). PAGER Put the following in to your Remotes -> Commands: (Make sure listening is checked in the upper-right corner) #pager start 1:page:/wavplay | /notice $me You were paged by $nick | /write pages.txt $fulldate < $+ $nick $+ > $parms #pager end Replace with the location of a wav (i.e. C:\alert.wav). It is activated by someone typing /ctcp page (Replace with your nick, the short message is for the person paging you.). It will then write a .txt file named pages.txt and will tell you what the person said. Now with the actual away stuff: Put this in Aliases: /setaway /ame has been marked away at 12 $atime  15,15 14,14 12,1 ][11,1 TriStar12,1 ][ 14,14 15,15  | /ame has his pager 8,1 [ON]  and can be activated by typing,2 /ctcp page  15,15 14,14 12,1 ][11,1 TriStar12,1 ][ 14,14 15,15  /away.4.5 /IF (%time.away >= 60) { %TimeAway = %time.away / 60 } | /ame has been away from his computer for 9,1 %TimeAway Mins  because 11,1 %away . 15,15 14,14 12,1 ][11,1 TriStar12,1 ][ 14,14 15,15  | /ame has his pager 8,1 [ON]  and can be activated by typing,2 /ctcp page  15,15 14,14 12,1 ][11,1 TriStar12,1 ][ 14,14 15,15  /fserver /ame has his FServer active and can be accessed by typing 11,1 !  15,15 14,14 12,1 ][11,1 TriStar12,1 ][ 14,14 15,15  /fserver.timer /timer600 0 185 /fserver Put this in a pop-up window under channel: Away .Start Away:/set %away $$?="Enter Reason:" | /ame is away 11,1 %away  15,15 14,14 12,1 ][11,1 TriStar12,1 ][ 14,14 15,15  | //set %away.time $atime | /setaway | /timer400 0 300 /away.4.5 | /set %time.away 0 | /timer300 0 1 /inc %time.away 1 | /away %away | /nick | /enable #pager | /fserver.timer .End Away:/IF (%time.away >= 60) { %time_away = %time.away / 60 } | /ame is back. He has been away since 10 %away.time  it is now 12 $atime  He has been away for 9,1 $duration(%time.away)  15,15 14,14 12,1 ][11,1 TriStar12,1 ][ 14,14 15,15  | /timer300 off | /timer400 off | /away | /nick | /disable #pager | /timer600 off Now go back up and fill in anything that says with the nick you have for when you are away. Fill in with nick you have that starts the fserver. Fill in with your normal nick. What will happen is that you activate the away by right-clicking in a channel, go to Away, and click Start Away. You will tehn be prompted for a reason. once you hit ok, a lot of things are going to happen: - All channels that you are on are going to get a message saying that you are now away. - All channels that you are on are going to get a message saying that your pager is active - About every five mins all channels that you are on are going to get a message saying how long you have been away - About every 5 mins all channels that you are on are going to get a message saying that your FServer is active. To end the away, right-click in a channel, go to away and click end away. This is what will happen: - All channels that you are on are going to get a message saying that you are no longer away. - All channels that you are on are going to get a message saying that your pager is deactivated. - it will disable the timers for how long you have been away and the fserver. If you have any questions I can be reached at tristar@imperium.net. My web page is http://www.imperium.net/~tristar/.